Sunday 6 September 2009

Apple open-sourcing their apps?

Shirley you can't be serious? Anyone looked the examples in Snow Leopard's Developer Tools recently?

See that one called TextEdit? Yep, that's that TextEdit application you find in /Applications. The history of changes is an interesting read in README.rtf.

I wonder why they've done this? OK, so I'm pretty sure Apple aren't going to be publishing source code to all their other apps any time soon. I'm guessing it's to give other developers a look how to do things "the Apple way".

Friday 4 September 2009

Two posts in 2 weeks? Steady on there!

Anyway, just a thought - now that Snow Leopard has OpenCL and is exploiting the power of GPU, when will we start seeing the Activity Monitor app showing GPU Usage and GPU History??

Does anyone know - are any apps installed with SL already using OpenCL?