Wednesday 16 January 2008

Macworld 2008

Here's a few of my thoughts about the recent announcements at the Stevenote:

Time Capsule. Great idea, but I might want to put in my own bigger disk later, especially for my ever expanding collection of exotic photos and videos ;-). I wonder how suitable it would be in an office environment?

MacBook Air. Cool! But, no firewire? Only one USB? I don't think it's intended to be your main machine (no optical drive). SSD is welcome, even though a tad expensive - £639 for 64GB! I'm sure prices will fall eventually, but at £2000 it's not for me.

Movie Rentals. This definitely got my attention. With the new Apple TV box and a nice new LCD HD TV, the idea of renting movies over the internet is now looking quite plausible.

iPod touch apps. Already bought. Now we have Mail and Notes, the move towards it becoming a PDA is much more likely. The Maps app Locate function was quite scary - is this Big Brother in disguise! The wiggling home screen icons is just so twee!


  1. Don't forget that there is the new Air SuperDrive that you can pair with your MacBook Air. Plus there is the new "remote optical disk" functionality.

  2. Maybe. Apple invented it originally. Even they seem to be giving up on it! :-(
